“I’ve noticed that Pascal has the most striking eyes, he’s always in high spirits when he’s not being so attentive in his observations. I suppose it must come naturally for someone who must pay attention to detail.” -Claudine Beaulieu
Pascal Hurteau observes his fellow tenants from a far off corner.
Pascal resides on the Fifth Floor: Room E7.
One early morning amidst the other tenants around Pascal Hurteau told of something quite strange the other day. "You'll never guess whos shoes I shined the other day, by shoes I mean feet."
Louis Bouthillette chimed in from the next table over. "Fine, I'll bite...who?"
"Jesus Christ"
Philippe Navarre who was eves dropping spit his coffee out laughing hysterically at such a notion.
Louis stared strangely at his friend’s outburst of laughter and simply said to Pascal.
"I hope he left you a good tip."
"Sure did, said blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth, talk about a backhanded compliment!"
Pascal finished his cup of coffee, then tossed his worn shoe rag over his shoulder before headed to work for the day.